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Books reviews Anna Kavan


Goodreads is the largest site for readers and book recommendations in the world. We have more than 14,000,000 members who have added more than 470,000,000 books to their shelves. A home for casual readers and bona-fide bookworms alike, Goodreads users recommend books, compare what they are reading, keep track of what they've read and would like to read, find their next favorite book, form book clubs and much more. Goodreads was launched in January 2007.

2015: The Year of Reading Women - K's: Anna Kavan (

forumPost, 01/01/2015


Anna Kavan

forumPost, 19/03/14

Je viens d' apprendre - et c' est aussi pour cela que j' ai décidé de lui faire une place ici- que le merveilleux éditeur Cambourakis, spécialiste des rééditions qui s' imposent ou encore de livres vraiment originaux, était en train de la rééditer. Qu' il soit ici remercié !